3 Levels of Quitting

I heard this some time ago and want to revisit the concept.

There are 3 levels of quitting:

1 The first time you quit something it is hard...really hard.

Most people don't like to be known as quitters. It takes a lot to walk away from something that you started or at least that is how it should be. Interesting that when I was in 1st grade I quit youth wrestling cuz I got my face wiped all over the mat. Today I train a lot of ground in martial arts and train some of the top wrestlers in the state of Minnesota and also write for one of the top NCAA wrestling coaches in the game today. Coincidence? Doubt it. It's back to haunt me and force me to deal with some childhood memories. Amazing that some seemingly small circumstance can subconsciously control us when we are adults if we do not put it in the proper frame of reference.

2 The second time you quit...it gets a little easier.

Each successive time you choose to quit softens you and your tenacity. Don't give up. You will conquer your fears only if you see it through. Thousands to possibly millions of people are setting their 'New Year's Resolutions' as we speak saying 'I'm a gonna do this and I'm a gonna do that starting the 1st of the year." I challenge you to NOT be one of them who forgets what the resolution is by the end of the second week of '07 including all forms of dieting and exercise. It's best to enlist some accountability from a friend or hire a trainer or business coach. Amazing how accountable we become when we put money on the table.

3 The third time you quit...that's what you are. A quitter.

The more you quit the easier it becomes and then a host of habits creep into your life that you may not even be able to recognize since you are 'in' it constantly. A difficult habit to form is persistence especially if you don't have experience in sports. Not that sports are the end all. However, sports do teach persistence. There is always an individual or a team that is better and gunning for the top. Somewhere someone is practicing and when you meet him in head to head competition, he'll beat you. When you think about quitting, you might be one training session away, one deal away, one person away from the mother lode. Stick to it and see your goals through.

We've all quit something in our life. Maybe it was OK because your plate was too full. In that case, you were probably in the right. Make a habit of sticking it out. You never know what will turn up on the other side. You might just chalk one up to: learning experience :)


I PERSIST Without Exception

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #7

I must find a way where there is no way. This might be the most lacking topic in American culture today. I hear excuses all the time why someone can't do something. I 'cannot' do that really means I 'will not' do that. And I will do or not do whatever I tell myself. Amazing how we get in situations that we don't necessarily like...WE manifested them into place!!

An example that is on my mind...
We have become very lazy due to technology...so much to the point that I see 10 and 12 year-olds who are 20lbs overweight riding motorized scooters to the store 3 blocks from his/her house!! What happened to bikes? What happened to running/jumping/playing? Or how about this? Go to any ball field...football, baseball, soccer, whatever and tell me if you see any kids 'playing' and creating their own rules and games without the structure of organized team sports. My college strength coach called me the other day to tell me that he was sitting on the side of the road by a park where kids were playing pick-up football. Why is that special? BECAUSE YOU RARELY SEE IT!

That is the true sadness in our society. We witness feats (be it sport, job, skill) on an AWE-some level that really should be the norm. However, we have come to expect so little out of ourselves, that all of these so-called feats should not be a spectacle to us. That goes back to having 'participation' ribbons in sports of the 5-7 year old generation because it's a feel good give me a cookie because I showed up event. WRONG! Last time I checked life didn't hand out high school diplomas or college degrees just because you lived on campus? How about just because I show up for a job interview, I just get the job? What are we teaching our youth? What are we 'allowing' to happen in our society as a whole?

That got a little off topic but helping kids and the sad state of fitness in schools is one of my pet peeves and my goal is to change they way my local and state community views physical fitness. It boils down to this: OWN responsibility for yourself and no one else. Most people don't have to persist over anything because they don't hold themself to standard to go after anything bigger than themselves. Stand up for what you believe in. Dare something worthy! A great motto to start with heading into 2007. Go after a specific target that you want and PERSIST WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

I Greet Each Day With a Forgiving Spirit

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #6
I greet each day with a forgiving spirit.

There has been a lot of research done on what causes disease. Holding bitterness, grudges, resentment, jealousy and all kinds of other emotions towards others or yourself causes an astounding phenomenon in one's body. The effect all of these emotions have on the body...dis-ease. The absence of ease. Forgive those feelings, let go of past experiences that have cause strife and you will re-discover a freedom of life that is available to us all.

Take a look at kids specifically under the age of 5...they judge no one...they are completely free to experience what life has to share. We can learn a lot from the younger generations when it comes to living in freedom. It's only when they get older and circumstances of life create emotional turmoil that they begin to harbor ill feelings toward a person or group of people. The great thing about this is that YOU are in control of all of your emotions. YOU have the power to change them. YOU have the power to let go. The truth is the only person your emotions are truly affecting is YOU. Experience the power of forgiveness.


I Choose To Be Grateful

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #5
I choose to be grateful.

Grateful for what? Grateful for anything that have in your life! Significant other, friends, family, pets, health, opportunity, and on and on. Set the tone of your day immediately in the morning by writing down 10 things you are grateful for and reading it out loud at least 3x throughout the day. This habit alone will change your attitude to one of gratitude. Grateful people are presented with more opportunities because they are more pleasant to associate with.

I encourage you to purchase the movie creating a movement across this country...it's called 'The Secret.' I have watched parts of this movie over 30 times. It is one that you will want to study intensively as it applies to EVERYTHING you do in life. The people interviewed in the movie talk extensively about gratitude. Get your copy!

How does gratitude apply to training? First be grateful that you are able to train. The days you don't feel like training, think about the people who can't train physically. Do something. You will feel better even if you only move for a few minutes. Be grateful even during the times you aren't seeing major progress...this is difficult but necessary. Life in and of itself is self correcting. You will ebb and flow but most important it is controlled in the mind and usually starts with gratitude.

What are you grateful for?


I Have A Decided Heart

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #4
I have a decided heart.

From my observation of many people and a lot of 'wants' this is THE biggest obstacle to achieving what you want. Most people never decide. One decision can change yourself, your family, your community, your state, your country, etc.... All nations were and are created with a decision. All athletic accomplishments were and are created beginning with a decision. Have the courage to make a decision and then stick to it.

You don't have to know everything about 'how' when you start. All you have to have is a big enough 'why.'

How big is your WANT TO??