I Choose To Be Grateful

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #5
I choose to be grateful.

Grateful for what? Grateful for anything that have in your life! Significant other, friends, family, pets, health, opportunity, and on and on. Set the tone of your day immediately in the morning by writing down 10 things you are grateful for and reading it out loud at least 3x throughout the day. This habit alone will change your attitude to one of gratitude. Grateful people are presented with more opportunities because they are more pleasant to associate with.

I encourage you to purchase the movie creating a movement across this country...it's called 'The Secret.' I have watched parts of this movie over 30 times. It is one that you will want to study intensively as it applies to EVERYTHING you do in life. The people interviewed in the movie talk extensively about gratitude. Get your copy!

How does gratitude apply to training? First be grateful that you are able to train. The days you don't feel like training, think about the people who can't train physically. Do something. You will feel better even if you only move for a few minutes. Be grateful even during the times you aren't seeing major progress...this is difficult but necessary. Life in and of itself is self correcting. You will ebb and flow but most important it is controlled in the mind and usually starts with gratitude.

What are you grateful for?


Joe Sarti said...

Excellent movie and a very important point, gratitude is an integral part of existence. PS I am grateful to have you as a friend, just so you know.

Keep making an impact/difference in yours and others lives

Franz Snideman said...

I read the book "the Travelers Gift" by Andy Andrews, very powerful. How true it is that a life without gratitude is a miserable life. There are so many things to be greatful for and we can never remind ourselves enough to meditate on this truth.

Excellent insights. Keep em flowing!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who writes this. It's a smart blog