Mental Training

"You are what you decide to be." -Maxwell Maltz

This is a POWERFUL idea. This is my latest study through a CD series.

We are pre-programmed from the moment we are conceived in mom's tummy with garbage in our head. Neuro-science says that every person is a genetic predisposition to the state of both parents at the moment of conception...this means that whatever 'state' your parents were in at the moment you were conceived you are doing your best to survive those circumstances.

However, you can change EVERYTHING you've been taught because let's face it...almost everything is learned behavior. Self-talk is the X-factor between the person you are and the person you want to be. People have been telling you what you 'should' be your entire life. This is where most people stall in a rut and do what other people tell them instead of exploring their own wants, needs and desires.

Most of what I have accomplished in my life has been the exact opposite of what people tell me I should do. In your life journey, you will have many people who want to offer their "OPINION" ...that's OK because that is what makes the world go around. In 99% of those cases, I have found that doing the exact opposite of what 'they' are saying has served me well. Find a mentor who you can really really trust to speak into your life. This person will not have a personal agenda towards you. He/she exists as an 'intuition' guide to mold you into a better person.

The other people who offer you advice usually...
1 have a personal agenda
2 do not want you to out grow them
3 have never really accomplished anything great themselves

*these are just personal observations from my short existence on the planet.

Let's dive into this further...

You decide what you want to be or the universe will decide for you!
You have the power to work in the job you want.
You have the power to receive compensation for what you are worth.
You have the power to develop the body you want.
You have the power to have the family life/relationships you want.
and on and on and on.

When you decide, your universe was just set in motion. The key is to ensure there is congruency between the goal that you set and the person you want to be. Ask yourself the question...

"Who would I have to 'be' in order to accomplish this specific goal?"

That is a HUGE key in our world where we throw out random things that we want. Think about the person you must become in order to achieve that goal and work on the little things to 'being' a different person. The goals will follow.

"You are what you decide to be."


Justin Qualler said...

I definitely agree with the programming. Have you ever seen the book Red Gold by Grigori Raiport? The concentration and focus exercises in that book can quiet the chatty voice that reinforces bad programming. I also think it is a good idea to avoid TV as it is a huge transmitter of bad programming.

Mike T Nelson said...

Good neural chunking Brad!

Have you read Gladwell's book "blink"? I am only on chapter 2, but some amazing stuff based on cool research. Here are 2 references on "neural chunking"/priming, whatever you want to call it.

1. Primed for Action

The scrambled sentence test:

Thomas K. Srull and Robert S. Wyer. "The role of category accessibility in the interpretation of information about persons: Some determinants and implications." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 37. 1660-1672.

53. John Bargh's has published many papers on the priming phenomenon. This is probably the best introduction:

John A. Bargh, Mark Chen, and Lara Burrows. "Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1996. Vol. 71. No. 2. pp. 230-244.