Z Health Discoveries Part 1 of ?

Let's talk about 'Z'. Many of you have heard of it. Few of you have experienced it. Some of you don't know what I'm talking about. Bear with me through the next few months as I wade through all of the information that has been presented to me as I attempt restructure my thoughts on paper so not only I can understand them but you can as well. This is more for me than for you, but hopefully you will benefit tremendously along the way. There is WAY more to Z than I will be able to translate to you via blog so keep that in mind as I plug along in explanations.

Here goes... with the disclaimer that this is from 'MY experience' not from someone kinda sorta telling me a few things...therefore you may experience different results.

I first attending Level I Z R-phase in April and July of 2006. I became very good very quickly at all of the drills that were presented to me at that time and I saw dramatic improvement in both my martial arts training as well as strength and conditioning levels.

2 weeks ago I attended Level II I-phase which was Level 1 times 20. The reason for this will be explained in numerous follow-up bloggings.

Z's main principle is immediately impacting the central nervous system to see some type of immediate change in the body...could be either good or bad. Put it this way, it's like having a conversation with your body and your body is giving you the answer in a number of ways.

R-phase stands for: Rehabilition (of past injuries), Restoration (of nervous system functioning and sending proper signals, Re-education (of conscious control over all motor patterns). R-phase happens in a neutral stance so the body feels 'safe.'

I-phase stands for Integration. I-phase significantly creates infinite possibilities of motor patterns throughout the body, therefore dramatically increasing coordination, agility, control, strength...basically everything that has to do with movement.

I-phase allowed me to 'get it' when it came to R phase. This is the easiest way to explain it in a nutshell:

'Z' is the language of 'movement' (ANY and ALL movement)
R-phase provides the letters or 'alphabet' of drills inherent in movement skills (we are all born with these motor patterns 'hardwired') Now remember there are only 26 letters in the English language. I-phase provides the 'words' of movement. There are 100,000+ words in the English dictionary...more depending on which dictionary you are following. From those 100,00 words we have millions and millions of books that have been created from 100,000 words and ONLY 26 letters. Bottom-line is the COMBINATION that creates the matrix of the infinite.

Let's recap:

26 letters (Level I Z R-phase)
100,000 words (Level II I-phase)
Millions of books created from infinite combinations

So the question becomes how FLUENT are you in 'MOVEMENT LANGUAGE and VOCABULARY'? How good is your PRONUNCIATION?

Life and learning is all about repetition...we are creatures of habit. I will discuss this more in the next post regarding the SAID principle.

500-600 words = 'survival' vocabulary
10,000+ words = you are fluent in the language
That leaves 90,000 words UNEXPLORED.

let's translate this to learning a skill:
100-300 reps = to learn the concept
1000 reps = for the skill to become useful (to better understand the skill)
100,000-300,000 reps = mastery

Now some of you are saying..."100,000 REPS??? I don't have the time!" Let me share some ideas of things you do every day where this concept is hardwired into you:

1 walking (how many steps have you taken in your life?)
2 eating (are they good reps or bad reps...think about it.)
3 brushing your teeth
4 flossing
5 going to the bathroom (Ok, this one is for my humor and a great picture for you ;)
6 turning on a light switch (do you have to have your eyes open to do this?)
7 POSTURE (how is it sitting at your desk all day?)

Bottom line: you do what you practice. You ARE what you practice.

Z is a shortcut to doing all of those reps as long as your Z reps are done WELL. 1 bad rep takes about 3-5 good ones to undo the bad one. Notice I used the word 'shortcut' and not the words 'cure-all'. Very important because some trainers believe Z is a miracle pill. At times it is. At other times there are some layers to be peeled.

Z is on the cutting edge of the expanding the concept of interaction between brain/motor learning/cognitive learning components.

In summary:
R-phase Level I is a small TOOL BOX that you would buy at Home Depot. 75-80% of you and your clients will be 'fixed' by R-phase.

I-phase Level II is the 100 foot x 100 foot TOOL SHED that contains every conceivable tool you would ever want. 19-24% of you and your clients will need this Level II training to be 'fixed.'

The last 1% may need some other help in order to be 'fixed.'

This is only the beginning...

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Great post! Fixing bad movement habits is work, no doubt. When you break it down and look at all the time one really has during the day, fixing movement habits might not be as hard as one might think.