Saturday Morning Epiphany

e·piph·a·ny /ɪˈpɪfəni/ (noun)
3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

What I am about to describe is common place to me and other trainers familiar with kettlebell training. It takes place in gyms, fitness centers, garages, basements, etc. almost on a daily basis now that kettlebells have began to invade the general population, although still most prevalent in 'underground-in-the-know' trainers and other folks.

Stay with me here as I paint the picture...

Today in my beginner kettlebell class, one of my new grasshoppers is a very successful executive. He runs 10ks and half-marathons on a regular basis. He does very little strength training. Now what makes this individual who we will call 'Bill' different from other people who walk in to my studio? Well, he's stopped in about 5 times 'checking things out' but never really understood the mystique behind kettlebells because he had never touched one or swung one ...until today.

Today was his 'epiphany' in many forms. Let me explain. You see our society has created a bunch of people who blindly follow whatever when it comes to fitness, exercise and dieting. The latest infomercials are full of gadgets, potions, and not so truthful statements surrounding WHAT IT REALLY TAKES to look great naked.

'Bill's' Epiphanies
#1 How difficult SIMPLE exercise can and should be in terms of form, proper technique, and conditioning when it is all put together

#2 Why all of my class members are walking around in circles when he has stopped by to watch all of those previous times...THEY WERE ATTEMPTING TO RECEIVE OXYGEN INTO THEIR BODIES

#3 Distance running and machine weight training are for all intents and purposes 'pseudo-exercise' ...THEY ALLOW YOU TO FEEL ALL WARM AND FUZZY BECAUSE YOU ARE 'EXERCISING' BUT THEY DO VERY LITTLE FOR ACTUALLY CHANGING YOUR BODY COMPOSITION.

#4 The weights are in KILOS not pounds...this always serves up a nice slice of humble pie...I leverage the kilos to my favor. Women think they are only doing 8 lbs instead of 8 kilos and guys think they are wussies, what a great concept to put them in kilos.

#5 and the most important of all...
"I went through Mayo Clinics 'Executive training program battery of tests' and they told me I was in great shape."
In shape for what? Obviously not in shape for whatever is next! How PREPARED are you for anything? Are you 'in shape' to get through your day? Are you 'in shape' to have enough energy at the end of the day to play with your kids? Are you 'in shape' when an unwanted person comes through your front door and he doesn't realize who is going to get the raw end of that situation (which hopefully never happens)? Are you in shape for the 10k / 75 obstacle ...Volkslauf obstacle course in Bakersfield California on October 13 of this year which we are taking multiple teams to? You see 'in shape' is relative. There is ALWAYS another level.

By the way, for those of you not familiar with the Mayo Clinic it is considered to be THE BEST collection of medical doctors IN THE WORLD and it's based in Rochester Minnesota. Now they have incredible doctors and I have seen some miraculous surgeries in various people that I personally know...however, my question to you is do you strive to be 'in shape' to pass some stupid test on a treadmill or are you working towards being 'in shape' because it is in every fiber of your being?

In the words of the Philadelphia Kettlebell Club:
"Don't rely on anything you can't carry, in case civilization is temporary."

'Bill' had an epiphany or two or five today.

How many people have you helped have an epiphany?


Anonymous said...

"How difficult SIMPLE exercise can and should be in terms of form, proper technique, and conditioning when it is all put together"

Excellent stuff. Now if only I could afford some kettle bells and a good trainer...lol.

Geoff Neupert said...

I introduced a member of the fitness community to KBs yesterday. Just about 2 hours and 20 minutes of technique and 10 minutes of "working out." She definitely had an epiphany.

Good stuff, Brad.