Finished them off with about 26 total minutes of what I like to call "Exercise Snacks." This year's motto: Unplug in 08. That means get off that damn treadmill and do some real conditioning.
Here is how it went down:
Gymboss Timer 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off
Snatch L
Snatch R
Bodyweight Squats
3 rounds
Rest 1 minute
Clean & Press L
Clean & Press R
High Pull L
High Pull R
3 Rounds
Rest 1 minute
Mountain Climbers
Windmills L
Mountain Climbers
Windmills R
3 rounds
Rest 3 minutes
"Mini Sissy Test"
Swings Burpees
12 1
11 2
10 3
9 4
8 5
7 6
6 7
5 8
4 9
3 10
2 11
1 12
Everyone did great 12 of the 19 drove a minimum of 2 hours to attend. All in all a great day!
Here are some pics
You missed it? Be there next time!
Brilliant work. Strong looking crowd as well. Are you on the second floor?
Big Willie!
Yeah, I'm on the 2nd Floor. It's a kick ass view of DT St. Paul and Mpls. You'll have to check it out if you ever leave the 'land of soft living' now! ;)
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