"Human on a stick"

That is what the first ever company to offer Segway tours is called. A Segway (pictured below) is a new 'mode' (i.e. LAZY) of transportation. The 'on-a-stick' hails as a spin-off to everything Minnesota-state-fair where every food item you could ever imagine is on a stick (skewer). We are talking...

Pickles on-a-stick

Corndogs on-a-stick

Cookies on-a-stick

Candy Bars on-a-stick (Snickers with Funnel Cake batter deep fried...only 600 calories per bite!)

French Fries on-a-stick

Newspaper on-a-stick

and last but not least new to this year's fair SALMON on-a-stick. Wow!

(for all you Z people...notice the cervical lateral glide ROM, uh-huh someone's been practicing his Z! :)

I needed a fun, entertaining "fast-paced for 2 ADD folk" activity for my girlfriend's birthday and so I sought out this company in Minneapolis who did Segway tours around a very prominent historical area through parks and trails and a lot of old buildings. They are located 4 blocks from the 35W bridge collapse so their business has been demanding the last couple of weeks.

I must add that the 'Safety Video' that we were required to view for 30 minutes prior to our little trip was the cheesiest thing I have ever seen...animations and re-inactments galore that had us all laughing more at the people on the video than actually paying attention the hazards of a machine that moves at a whopping 4.5 mph! However, as you will read later, there is always ONE in the group who needs a 'special' reminder.

What does any of this have to do with the theme of my blog you ask?

Everything when it comes to the downfall of society moving their bodyweight through space. Now we have a machine, granted they are $5000 each new, that will port us around doing nothing more than creating more hyperlordosis (which our low backs bothered us both for two days following riding these things...Z definitely helped pre-bed) and packing on the weight. Not a good direction for society as we know it (especially when you read the follow-up to this post.)

The first highlight of my night was when we were on a trail in a single-file line with 15 other Segwayers and a guy rides by and says in the most smart-ass voice possible (which I can appreciate) "Exercising on your left" meaning he's going to pass on our left for you non-Minnesotan trail goers. I cracked up! I said to my girlfriend "if he thinks he's exercising, he should come to my (kettlebell) class in the morning and he'll see what exercise really is" ...yet he was right in my world. What is the world coming to that we need to add motors to mechanical devices that used to be fueled by human power.

The second highlight? My gf biffs it into a cement divider showing off when we were allowed to graduate to the 2nd key which put us at a whopping 8 miles per hour...in front of Guthrie Theatre goers (think suits and ties). We had a great laugh and she came away with only a bruise to her leg...and her pride :) Really I was glad that she did it first because I'm usually the graceful one!

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