Minnesota & Obesity Ranks...

Obesity rates climbed in 31 states in U.S. (headline on MSNBC yesterday)
22 percent haven't exercised in last month.

This blows my mind. Not moving for any form of physical activity for 30 DAYS straight?!? I hardly go 24 hours without missing some kind of physical activity even if it is to walk the dog a couple of miles. Let's go beyond the regular weight loss rant and explore some other BIG-TIME issues that manifest in overweight and obese people (that current research reinforces).


Here's an interesting correlation to non-activity/non-exercise folk...depression. Let's talk about why everywhere I turn I see people on depression meds and LOTS of them! Exercise releases natural chemicals called 'endorphins' in the brain which equate to natural 'depression medications' if you will...or won't depending on your choice to train (I don't like the word 'workout'). This is backed up in MANY periodicals and Psych books that you can find through a Google search. In my opinion, there would be a 80-90% reduction in sales of depression medications (I did just dig a grave with Big Pharma...bring it on!) if people would choose to get in 3 vigorous (not walking 3 miles) 45-minute training sessions per week (circuit-based cardio/strength combined training sessions). Just my estimation but I know how I feel when I miss a training session for whatever reason which is rare.

The second issue: Diabetes.

Check this out straight from the CDC website:
"Diabetes is becoming more common in the United States. From 1980 through 2005, the number of Americans with diabetes increased from 5.6 million to 15.8 million."

and this one from the same website:
"Since the mid-seventies, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children. Data from two NHANES surveys show that among adults aged 20–74 years the prevalence of obesity increased from 15.0% (in the 1976–1980 survey) to 32.9% (in the 2003–2004 survey).

Coincidence? I think not.

Hello? Anyone home? Diabetes is now Top 5 in the Death Department yearly in the U.S. We are beyond a problem. We have an epidemic on our hands.

Now for somewhat good news...
"Meanwhile, Minnesotans led the way when it came to exercise. An estimated 15.4 percent of the state’s residents did not engage an any physical exercise — the best rate in the nation. Still, the state ranked 28th overall when it came to the percentage of obese adults." from MSN article found here http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20461564/from/ET/

That increase in Minnesotan's activity must be due to Kinetic Edge delivering beatdowns without apology on a daily basis! :) If you have yet to experience this, Mondays at 6pm and Saturdays at 9am will serve you up a nice beginner platter...and no I am not talking about food.


Kettlebell Lady said...

Brad - It's my first time checking you out; I enjoyed your post and the link to the article. I went to it to see where my state lies on the list. NJ is #40. Thanks!

Aaron Friday said...

I think the diabetes epidemic is due entirely to the chronic consumption of high-fructose corn syrup and other unnatural food-like substances (aspartame, splenda, and the like). In your beat-downs, be sure to drive home the message of eating real food.

Every seriously overweight or diabetic person I know chows down on fake food.