The Buck Stops Here

Over the next few days I am going to revisit 7 Principles of Success by Andy Andrews. For those of you not familiar with Andrews, he is very accomplished in writing and speaking with his most notable work "The Traveler's Gift" which is where the 7 principles are taken from.

Principle #1
The buck stops here.

Take responsibility for ALL of your actions, not just a few of them. It is easy to make excuses and blame someone else. Blame is the absence of responsibility and responsibility is the absence of blame. Take control of your life. You determine your future regardless of your current life circumstances. Because of the field I am in, I have seen amazing physical transformations. What most don't see along with the physical comes the mental and spiritual transformations as well. When someone DECIDES to achieve something their entire being changes and is forced to transform. What in your life have you been making excuses for? Only YOU know and only YOU have the power to change.

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