I Am A Person Of Action

Continuing the Andy Andrews series...

Principle #3
I am a person of action.

I see the opposite of this every day. You have to be a self-starter. Go back to my first blog and read about commitment. I hear people give me 1000s of excuses why they can't when all they have to find is ONE great reason why they will. Can't really means won't...and they're right--they won't. Take action NOW regardless of the area of life it is in. For an interesting example I am going to use the exercise/fitness/training phenomenon.

I was discussing this with a chiropractor friend of mine a couple of days ago. He was saying that he has people come into his practice all the time and proceed to give him the laundry list of things that are wrong with them. His response to them is "workout." That simple. One word. Here's why...training and exercise increase a person's vibration bottom line. When you have a higher vibration you are less likely to 'attract' all of those nagging aches and pains because your mind is focused on much higher goals and achievements. Last thing...who you ARE is who you attract. Notice I didn't say who you WOULD LIKE to be is who you attract. Improve yourself...improve your life.

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