Lessons from the Deads...

Today marks the beginning of Week 6 into a new deadlift (DL) program that I am following. Prior to 5 weeks ago I hadn't DLed in 4 1/2 years. I was quite surprised that I was able to do 405 for two sets of doubles at the end of my 3rd week (only 9 DL training sessions).

The fourth week was a back-off week and will continue that way every fourth week. My focus will be to do singles, doubles, and triples with linear progressions. I am pleasantly surprised with my sustained numbers, which I attribute to both heavy kettlebell training and gaining movement proficiency in the Z Health specific joint mobility.

The purpose of this entry is for the first time in 5 weeks did the DL feel 'right' this morning. It took me 5 weeks to get back to a proper groove where I felt the way I knew I could. This is intuition from the 2 1/2 years I spent DLing sometime back. This is directed at the many trainees that think we should have the entire training program and protocol packaged in a 'to go' box and opened like take out when you get home and/or go train after being inspired by someone you admire or just read about.

The DL bug has bit me once again and I look forward to my goal of pulling 500lbs raw by March 1, 2007 (current PR is 440) and then progressing from there. There are many cues to think about throughout the form and currently I am minimizing tension while focusing on lengthening through the tailbone and crown of the head simultaneously. I also focus on re-stacking the joints. Tension will have it's time and place...when it gets heavy, and that's when it gets 'fun.'

1 comment:

Mark Reifkind said...

good luck dude, although since you have willpower and focus you won't need much luck.sounds like a solid plan and I know all the heavy kb stuff you did kept your dl intact.

it is a lesson though, also, in how little time it takes to ramp up a lift that although at one time we trained hard, havent been working much lately.

its like louie says when he asks" the first time you deadlifted whatever weight you did, where did you get THAT strength from?"